Asia Articles

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Walls and warriors: Beijing to Xian, exploring North China’s must visits

The North of China has some of the countries most famous day-trips, the Great Wall of China from Beijing and the Terracotta Army from Xian, all stops on my recent two-week tour through the country.
Suzhou China
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China in photos: 50 postcards from Beijing to Hong Kong by train

China is vast, but in two weeks I managed to traverse from the north to the south along the east coast, here are some snapshots of my favourite places.
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The contrast of China: Suzhou to Shanghai, traditions and towers

Suzhou was one of the best cities I visited in China and I don't think a day trip to Suzhou from Shanghai would do it justice, let me tell you why....
Chinese language app
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Chinese countryside and futuristic skylines: Longji, Yangshuo and Hong Kong

The incredible Karst mountain region of Yangshou, coupled with the rolling rice terraces of Longji make for an amazing nature escape from Hong Kong.
The Dambulla Caves
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Top ten things to do in Sri Lanka

From pristine empty beaches, taking an elephant safari or exploring lush tea plantations. The top 10 things to do in Sri Lanka in photo form.
Abu Dhabi Grand Mosque Tour
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A layover tour of the Grand Mosque Abu Dhabi

You know those buildings that make you go 'Holy !£$@' - well this was one of them. The Grand Mosque of Abu Dhabi lived up to expectations on my stopover.
Best Accommodation Sri Lanka
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Awesome Hotels in Sri Lanka with incredible pools

I have an addiction for unique hotels, specifically ones with incredible pools. So when I visited Sri Lanka it became a running theme to discover the best this country had to offer.
Bali Best Hidden Beach
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The Best Hidden Beach In Bali. Don’t tell everyone…

Driving on dirt tracks, climbing down steep stairs and dashing through trees of monkeys. It's all worth it when you get to the best beach in Bali!
Taj Mahal Photography Tips
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The Golden Triangle with a Twist

The golden triangle which makes up Agra, Delhi and Jaipur is one of the most famous routes to travel in India. But how can you make it unique? How much of an insight into India do we really want?
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10 Best Budget Things in Hong Kong

I teamed up with Travelex to discover the sights, sounds and buzz of Hong Kong... on a budget! But don't think saving every penny, think getting #LuxuryForLess in this electric city...
Tah Mahal Photography Tips
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The Taj Mahal in photos: 15 postcards from India’s magnificent mausoleum

I'm gonna admit, I used to hate photographing world famous landmarks. Photographing the Taj Mahal is no different, but here are 14 photography tips to help you get a unique view of this famous monument.
The Dambulla Caves
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The Dambulla Caves: Sri Lanka

The Dambulla caves are just one of eight UNESCO attractions in this country. I happily spent hours admiring the incredible artwork on the walls here. If there is one thing I keep repeating, it is get you ass to Sri Lanka before everyone else does!
Mount Bromo Sunrise
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49 Reasons to visit Indonesia

With 17,000+ Islands cutting it down to 49 reasons was no easy task. But, just in case I don't make myself clear. The memo is: Clear your diary and get straight to Indonesia...
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Cambodian Genocide: The Killing Fields & S21 Prison

Cambodia is a country with a heartbreaking and recent history. The Killing Fields and S21 Prison now welcome tourists to try and understand this dark past It is not often I am reduced to tears in public, but here tragic history consumed me.
Gili Islands
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The Gili Islands Guide

Surrounded by crystal clear coral waters, beautiful beaches, snorkel, scuba, turtles, those sunsets and the odd methanol poisoning. Which Gili Island is the right one for you?
A photo essay of Laos
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Laos in photos: 20 postcards from lesser-visited Southeast Asia

A Laos travel guide through Photography. From Touristy Luang Prabang down to the less discovered south of this magical South East Asian country
Raja Ampat
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Raja Ampat Indonesia on a Budget

Something you don't often hear is Budget Raja Ampat - However it is possible, here are some tried and tested tips to help you get to these remote islands.
Dieng Plateau Indonesia
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Top five things to do in Dieng Plateau, Indonesia

Dieng Plateau, Indonesia located in central Java is well worth a visit. See the volcanic plates, trek mountains and witness colour changing lakes all in one place. Here are five reasons you should visit...
Temples of Yogyakarta
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Yogyakarta Temples: Visiting Borobudur & Prambanan

Java, the largest of Indonesia's island's is home to two world class UNESCO temples. In Yogyakarta, Borobudur & Prambanan are standout sights.
Sunrise angkor wat photography
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Angkor Wat in photos: 25 postcards from Cambodia’s complex of temples

Lets face it, when people say Cambodia you are probably already thinking of Angelina Jolie and Angkor Wat, right? I am going to let the pictures do the talking. 24 Awesome photos of Angkor Wat (except number 11)...
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26 Ways to Travel Asia cheap: The A to Z

Jump on an Ojek, Explore with a Tuk-Tuk, Sail on a Junk Boat. The A to Z, 26 Ways to travel Asia cheap...